Know the essentials before jump on it.!
The Ketogenic diet is an eating plan base on low carbohydrates, high fat, medium protein consumption.
According to the U.S. Department of Health, our body needs around 1.600 - 2.400 calories just to survive and function normally (each activity muscular, cerebral, metabolic, molecular, etc. requires energy), that calorie (energy) is obtained from the food we eat.
When we consumed more calories, our body will store all those extra calories in form of fat, to be used later when the body needs it.
On a Keto diet, the dramatic change of a reduction in carbohydrate intake and high fats intake puts your body in a metabolic state called Ketosis, where fat, from your diet and stored body fat, will be used, burned for energy.
"The Ketogenic diet" or "Keto Diet" is named because it causes your body to produce small fuel molecules called “ketones” an alternative fuel source for your body that is used when blood sugar (glucose) is short.
When you reduce carbs and calories, your liver produces ketones from fat. These ketones serve as a fuel source throughout the body.
On a ketogenic diet, your entire body switches its fuel supply to run mostly on fat, burning fat 24-7.
The drastic reduction of carbs will drop insulin levels, becomes easier to access your fat stores to burn them off, obtaining the energy required for normal basic body's activity.
This process is great if you’re trying to lose weight, but there are also other great benefits, without the sugar peaks that often occur when eating high-carb meals.
These group require special guide during Keto diet:
Keto diet has show to reverse Diabetes type 2 diabetes. and for those with type 1 diabetes could dramatically improve your blood sugar control, once you start eating low carb you will result in low blood sugar, this can be dangerous, please is very important to consult your doctor before.
With the reduction of cabs in Keto diet, is likely that you have to lower your insulin doses as well as some other diabetes medications, consult your doctor to adjust it accordingly.
High blood pressure
If you are taken blood pressure medications, a low carb nutrition will lower your pressure the result can take days or months, contact your doctor to discuss reduction or stopping your medication is appropriate.
During lactancy your body experience metabolic changes and required an increased nutritional demands of producing milk. Keto diet is an excellent way to lose weight, while still eat the proper nutritious food, However is NOT recommended to have an extreme low-Carb diet, it can lead to a dangerous condition called ketoacidosis.
In general most people are suitable to do Keto safety, personalized your eating program based on your unique needs and food preferences, allow your body to get all the health benefits and enter on a state of ketosis start burning fat, today.!
What is Ketosis
Let's start by understanding the basics, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy - fuel to the body. When an organism eats carbohydrates the body will transform those carbohydrates into glucose to be easily bond together as Glycogen to be stored in muscle tissue and in the liver.
When we reduce the carbohydrates (less than 50g per day), the body does not have enough glucose to be used as energy, then the secretion of insulin is also reduced, but the body still needs more energy for its function, so the body starts breaking down Glycogen molecules storage to be used as energy.
When stores Glycogen is consumed, it forces the body to go through metabolic changes the get energy. These metabolic processes are gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis.(source)
Gluconeogenesis is the metabolic process by which the body produces glucose for a non-carbohydrate precursor, like proteins.
When the production of glucose is not able to keep up with the body's demand, ketogenesis (ketosis) begins, the body breaks down fat in order to produce an alternate source of energy in the form of ketone bodies.
Ketone bodies replace glucose as a primary source of energy - fuel.
Ketone bodies are able to cross the blood-brain barrier to provide the energy necessary for the brain to works properly.
During ketosis, the insulin secretion are very low, which reduces glucose concentration in blood and fat storage.
As long as the body is deprived of carbohydrates, the metabolism remains in the ketosis state, and ketones bodies taken from storage fat will be produced as fuel to supply the body.
The ketosis state is considered safe, as the production of ketone bodies does not produce any alterations in blood acidic or alkaline concentrations (pH).
Ketosis can make you feel less hungry while your body is burning stored fat, keeping your muscle mass.
Ketosis is the result of an adaptive state that allowed ancestors organisms to survive periods of energy shortages. When food was not available, or the only food available was extremely low in energy (such as leaves and grasses), their bodies were able to start to break down their body fat reserves after a couple of days. Ketone bodies were generated as a result allowing them to sustain their brains, main functions while preserving their muscle, organs, and vital proteins.
How do you get into and stay in Ketosis
To enter ketosis you must reduce your carbohydrate intake down to a minimum (usually below 50g a day) so your body uses fat for fuel.
An effective keto diet consists of 70-80% of fat from your daily calories, 20-25% of protein, and 5-10% of carbohydrates.
As the body transitions into ketosis, it may experience several symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, bad breath, increased thirst, and weakness known as the keto flu.
These symptoms may be a clear indication that your body is transitioning, and will go away in a couple of days, the best way to ensure you’re in ketosis is to test your body’s ketone levels.
How Long Does Keto Take to Work
In general, it takes 3 – 4 days to enter into ketosis if you eat 20–50 grams of carbs per day. However, for some people may it takes a week or longer to enter into ketosis, due to unintentionally eating too many carbs, and not enough fat from what is recommended in a ketogenic diet.
Also, eating too much protein would make it harder to enter ketosis, as it may encourage your body to use gluconeogenesis.(Source)
Eating too many carbs can stop your body from producing ketones, even for some people who start producing ketones while consuming a higher number of carbs (up to 90g per day). (Source).
Besides diet, different lifestyle factors like pre-existing health conditions, exercise, sleep, and stress levels might affect the time it takes to enter ketosis.
Origins of the ketogenic diet
The ketogenic diet was created in the 1920s by physicians as a therapeutic diet for the treatment of epilepsy, widely used with satisfactory results for two decades, with the introduction of anticonvulsant medication and other drug treatments the ketogenic diet was abandoned as therapeutic.
For the past decade, there has been an explosion in the popularity of the keto diet use, and scientific interest in it, due to the amazing results on weight loss, fat loss, glucose and cholesterol level control, and the other many health benefits that keto brings.